Veterans Day, celebrated annually on November 11, honors the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces. This US federal holiday pays tribute to everyone who has served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, National Guard, Air Force, and Coast Guard....
Read news articleIn mid-September 2023, a mysterious event set off earthquake sensors worldwide. However, unlike typical earthquake readings, which are quick and sharp, this data showed a slow, constant wave. What surprised scientists even more was that the rumbling continued for nine consecutive days before finally subsiding....
Read news articleOn November 3, 2024, most US residents will add 60 minutes to their weekend by turning their clocks back an hour. This simple action marks the end of Daylight Saving Time (DST), which began on March 10, 2024. It helps shift sunlight back into the morning hours during the darker winter days....
Read news articleOctopuses are among the smartest marine animals. These intelligent cephalopods are known for using coconut shells as mobile homes and armor and changing colors on demand to evade predators. A new study by researchers at Germany's Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior found that octopuses can also be strong leaders. They take charge of hunting packs and even discipline those who try to cheat....
Read news articleFew countries celebrate Halloween with as much enthusiasm as the United States. Americans spend months — and millions of dollars — searching for the perfect costumes. Homes and yards are transformed into spooky spectacles, complete with skeletons and glowing jack-o'-lanterns. Here is a brief history of the spooky holiday, celebrated annually on October 31, and the origin of some of its cherished customs....
Read news articlePlanetary rings are a natural feature of the larger outer planets like Jupiter and Neptune, but none are as spectacular as Saturn's. However, in March and November 2025, these majestic rings will not be visible to observers on Earth. Fortunately, this rare event is only an optical illusion. It is caused by the orientation of Saturn's thin rings and the planet's tilt relative to Earth. The last time this occurred was in 2009....
Read news articleEvery fall, over a billion Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains worldwide celebrate Diwali. Also known as Deepavali or the festival of lights, this ancient celebration dates back over 2,500 years. The exact date varies annually based on the Hindu lunar calendar. However, Diwali usually falls in October or November....
Read news articleThe countdown to the US Presidential election has begun. On November 5, 2024, millions of Americans will head to the polls to select a new leader for the next four years. They will vote for either Vice President Kamala Harris or former President Donald Trump. Winning the popular vote is important for both candidates. However, to secure the presidency, they must get the majority of the electoral votes....
Read news articleIn the wild, animals frequently use deceptive tactics to survive. For instance, some wasps turn spiders into "zombie" slaves to build intricate nests. Similarly, mouse-eared bats mimic hornet buzzes to avoid being preyed upon by owls. Now, a new study reveals that a crafty orb-weaver spider species has found a way to manipulate the mating signals of male fireflies to catch more prey....
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