Kids News

LEGO Sends 1,000 Mini "Astronauts" To Space

On May 20, 2023, The Lego Group successfully launched 1,000 minifigures into space. The tiny astronauts made the journey aboard roofless 3D-printed space shuttles. The lightweight vehicles were built by a team of space architects and engineers from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The purpose of the mission was to encourage kids to follow their dreams....

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LEGO Sends 1,000 Mini "Astronauts" To Space

Saturn Regains Its "Moon King" Status With 62 New Moons

Earlier this year, Saturn lost its long-standing status as "moon king" to Jupiter after 12 new moons were added to the gas giant's 83 known satellites. But Jupiter's victory was short-lived. The ringed planet has reclaimed the title with the discovery of 62 additional moons. Saturn now boasts 145 known moons and is the first and only planet in the solar system to surpass 100 moons....

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Saturn Regains Its "Moon King" Status With 62 New Moons