redhegehog14's Activity (280)
book_addictis now following soccergirl2016.
5 days agobook_addict replied to a comment in
9 days agobook_addict replied to a comment in
9 days agobook_addict replied to a comment in
9 days agobook_addict replied to a comment in
9 days agobook_addictis now following yummymangos12.
10 days agobook_addictis now following yummymangos12.
10 days agobook_addict replied to a comment in
Hii! Omg, I have not been active for so long either! I don't really have an absolute favorite song cuz it always changes, but recently I've kinda gotten into K-pop a bit, and I really like the boy-band Stray Kids :D (it's kinda funny: I used to really dislike any kind of K-pop, idk why) but yeah... I really like all their songs, especially Thunderous, Lalalala, and God's Menu haha (those are some of their popular ones) I do very much recommend ;)))
15 days agobook_addict replied to a comment in
Favorite: watermelon, coconut, and crunchy/cotton-candy grapes too; Least favorite: idk... pineapples probably... oh and yuzu. Have a good week everyone!
15 days agobook_addict replied to a comment in
Hi, welcome! 1.) I would love to go to Tahiti! 2.) cookies & cream 3.) Don't really have a specific favorite :P 4.) ahh I have so many; here are some: Caraval series, Shatter Me series, The Folk of the Air, also love Rick Riordan's books! 5.) none T-T I really want a dog/cat but everyone in my fam is allergic :( 6.) Pirates of the Caribbean...? idk, I don't rly have one; I'm more of a TV-show person 7.) I like pasta 8.) "bruh" because I use it all the time lol 9.) dream house 10.) ELA or math 11.) don't have a crush atm :/
15 days ago