Noel JONES's Activity (6)
pygisivajoza added a new comment in
Happy belated Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic feast and had a blast like a bunch of butterballs! 😂
3 months agopygisivajoza added a new comment in
Wow, I had no idea that Nintendo's history dates back much further than the release of the GameCube! It's fascinating to learn just how long their legacy in the gaming industry has been.
4 months agopygisivajoza added a new comment in
This is incredibly fascinating! I can hardly believe that Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, might possess the conditions suitable for life similar to what we have on Earth. The thought that we might actually reach there one day is thrilling! However, it does make me wonder what life would be like on Europa compared to Earth. For starters, what would a day be like? Would the length of a day on Europa differ from our 24-hour cycle? Europa has an orbital period of about 3.5 days, which is quite different from Earth. Would we experience longer or shorter days there? Additionally, would there be any seasons on Europa? Given its unique orbit and distance from the Sun, would we see variations in climate or environmental conditions like we do here on Earth? It's mind-boggling to think about how these factors could shape life on another world!
4 months agopygisivajoza added a new comment in
4 months agopygisivajoza added a new comment in
Oh my gosh, can you believe it? A penguin swam an incredible 2,000 miles! That’s absolutely breathtaking and totally impressive for just a penguin! What an adventure!
4 months agopygisivajoza added a new comment in
Wow, this is a very cool looking fish! At first, I thought it was a type of hermit crab but now. I know it’s not and it’s way better than I plain old hermit crab.
4 months ago