I've been hearing several complaints that this movie is horrible. That argument is invalid. a). This movie was originally a musical, so if you were really that interested in watching this movie, you should have found some background information on it. If musicals aren't for you, then so be it. But don't complain that you didn't know it was a musical/hated it because it was a musical, since it would be completely logical that this movie would be presented in a musical format.
b) If you're going to complain that this movie is bad, say WHY it's bad. There are tons of people on this website, and if you only say you hated it, people aren't going to know why you hate it, and have a false misconception about this movie. I have no problem with people saying it's bad, just with people not saying WHY it's bad. Find good reasons for your arguments. Saying that it does not have a plot line is not a reason.