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lowjoziahliked a comment in Boston Dynamics' Robot "Dog" Joins The Fight Against COVID-19.
Almost 5 years agolowjoziah replied to a comment in
Almost 6 years agolowjoziah added a new comment in
well that's pretty cool, but what i want to know is a estimated date ex. : 15 years in the future we maybe will have it up and going, even though there is a low chance of it being just 15 years because for something that big, with no center gravity in space, it may slow the production rate. I also wonder what would happen like Xxmarshy said, but he didn't really have the right example because the Apollo 11 mission was a success, but what would happen if one of the rockets shut down in space without reaching this artificial land. Also, will half of the stuff be maybe, just maybe, holographic? I can kinda understand the animals, but those mountains may not be able to make it. Now I know some of it will be artificial, but it would be pretty cool for people make some of this stuff not only holographic, but 4 dimensional, because it will give a new feel to stuff, and it would bring some audience into wanting to go on this artificial land, because I know that some people don't like this idea
Almost 6 years agolowjoziah replied to a comment in
Almost 6 years agolowjoziah added a new comment in
i think this is cool, besides the fact even if the shoes have this, you'll still have to get new shoes, so depending on how fast your feet grow, you may be going through shoes so fast that they may not even have a chance to get cracked, but even so, for people who's feet grow slow or average, it would be pretty cool for them to make them. but i wonder if the material falls off the shoe, will it be able to be the sole because if its coming off the shoe, it have to take something for it to heal and not hang off the shoe. But i wonder how sturdy the material is. Nevertheless, pretty cool concept!
Almost 6 years agolowjoziah replied to a comment in
I think it's more over for people who don't have the money for new shoes at the time, even though they won't be able to wear them for time.
Almost 6 years agolowjoziah replied to a comment in
Almost 6 years ago