It was so cool leaning about the moon. It's so cool that we actually get to see it. I knew that the smaller and larger shadows are called the Penumbra and the Umbra. It is also really cool that we can experience the moon being red. I wish we could see it more often. I also liked this text and video because I learned a lot of things I didn't know before. I also knew that the moon would be red sometime, but it was fun learning it would happen soon. I hope that everyone enjoys the moon when and if they see it. I hope everyone can see the moment the moon is red. It was really cool leaning that the moon is going to be red really soon. I just really hope everyone can enjoy the red moon when it happens. It was really cool and fun learning about the red moon and when we can experience it. Hopefully everyone has a good time seeing it if they can. I really liked learning about the red moon and when it will happen.