BFS Grade 1

BFS Grade 1's Activity (33)

  • bfs_g1
    bfs_g1's book review was featured in Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!.
    I have a book called don’t let the pigeon drive the bus! I think you don’t let the pigeon drive the bus. The “Don’t Let the pigeon drive the bus”is fun because Pigeon say “Please” why “I cannot” hey pigeon will tricked you and it’s so fun and there one bus driver never he can do something wrong with the pigeon and there and pigeon so sad that he can not do something he wants to do. Pigeon book Doesn't start yet But at the title pigeon hot dog! And it so fun and he always says reader it’s not fair! So that’s why i like it :) And it looks like saying to you! so it’s fun and i like it so you liked to may have or do you know any pigeon books if you like that books then you will like this too! There is cute duckling and pigeon always jealous him bye. I think pigeon book is best book because it’s so funny buy the book! -BL
    About 7 years ago
  • bfs_g1
    bfs_g1's book review was featured in Aggie and Ben: Three Stories.
    Have you ever been bored of a book! Well i got a book for you! It’s not chapters it’s not one book. Well if it boring dont think about it. The answer is three stories in a book my book is called (drum roll please) aggie and ben! I am running out of worlds but see you guys victoryies dont break aggie and ben there best dont ever think about it smashing it. If you never beard of this book it’s so funny. Everyone likes disney right but books are more smart elsa tell me a question of elsa does elsa teach you no! She doesent We love books and aggie and ben! Is about sweetness I read this book i read was febuary. Aggie and ben this is the funny part part. It’s this aggie we loosing and smelling the toilet ben was follwing and pretending to be aggie when aggie dicoverse the house she makes choices. Where her bed is treat wuter everyone has choices right. No matter what aggie does some choices are bad but she ends in lauwnder she this its a bed! In the end of the story aggie tried to get ben scared. And ben almost did because aggie was pulling the blanket and ben tarend on the light oat and he figured bye world thank you for reading! -CH
    About 7 years ago
  • bfs_g1
    bfs_g1's book review was featured in The Black Book of Colors.
    Did you evre tocht a book that you can feld and it’s so good to tuch? Because it’s like mosaj for hans and it fiyls good! So good and it’s a kite. Did you evre tuch a book that you can feld and it so good to tuch thar is a book kold the black book of colrs. You know that you can tuch it more hord it thes not brak I thik the book is so good bekus it’s so prity and shiney. Did you ever thch a rain you can feyl it and it fels good! I thik the rain is gunara nite today! I heyr prity sown from the rain. I thik the book is so good because thay have a lefe I lik the kukrs! Ther is a wars! That prity! And it’s wondfol I see sum drops. Biy biy biy! -YL
    About 7 years ago
  • bfs_g1
    bfs_g1's book review was featured in Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale.
    I like Knuffle Bunny because it is so fun and I like wen he say and he say thats right we we going home. and itis so funny thas wiy I thik is fuuny! I like that part because she say Wars Knuffle Bunny thats why I like it and he is so cute because he is a baby and baby is caute and he say Aggle FLAGGLE K LABBLE and I like that part! and he is so fun and olso tis book is fun baecause the baby is so fun! and I like the babay because it because it is so cute and funny I thik this book is so good and like the best book and i like funny books i thik this book is so fuuny thas way i like thiis book and this book is the best book because it is so fun I thik this book is so fun anol the baby is so cute -LL
    About 7 years ago
  • bfs_g1
    bfs_g1 added a book review.
    Do you get scared in thunder and lightning? There is the book thunder and lightning. I thing thunder and lightning is amazing because is lightning and white. Also is thunder and is scary. The last reosen this is my Favorite book is thunder and lightning because is danger. The lightning isscary and dark in the cloud and sky and people die when the thunder and lighning catch the people and is faster to catch a mountain. -NH
    About 7 years ago
  • bfs_g1
    bfs_g1 added a book review.
    Are you scared of sharks are you scared of bees are you scared of posion ive are u scared of germs.Well i know a book that is scared of all of these things.Its is scaredy squirrel!I think taht is the best book because...he is so so so funny.He brings a kit every were he goes he brings fish in the kit for the sharks and he never ever EVER leaves its tree.He use benuclers to see if there is any bees, sharks, triantulas or anythings he is scared of. He calles the outside the unknown.He thinks outside is dangerouse do you agree with him.He told you his scaduel every day he even told you what he is scared of bees,sharks,triantulas posion ive germs and green alians.He tells you to stay in your house for safety.He tells you his escape plane he has four escape plane.He escape from the left tree and the right tree with his parasuit and he jumps out of out of the same way but down.You should read the book! -ID
    About 7 years ago
  • bfs_g1
    bfs_g1 added a book review.
    Did you evre tocht a book that you can feld and it’s so good to tuch? Because it’s like mosaj for hans and it fiyls good! So good and it’s a kite. Did you evre tuch a book that you can feld and it so good to tuch thar is a book kold the black book of colrs. You know that you can tuch it more hord it thes not brak I thik the book is so good bekus it’s so prity and shiney. Did you ever thch a rain you can feyl it and it fels good! I thik the rain is gunara nite today! I heyr prity sown from the rain. I thik the book is so good because thay have a lefe I lik the kukrs! Ther is a wars! That prity! And it’s wondfol I see sum drops. Biy biy biy! -YL
    About 7 years ago
  • bfs_g1
    bfs_g1 added a book review.
    I have a book called don’t let the pigeon drive the bus! I think you don’t let the pigeon drive the bus. The “Don’t Let the pigeon drive the bus”is fun because Pigeon say “Please” why “I cannot” hey pigeon will tricked you and it’s so fun and there one bus driver never he can do something wrong with the pigeon and there and pigeon so sad that he can not do something he wants to do. Pigeon book Doesn't start yet But at the title pigeon hot dog! And it so fun and he always says reader it’s not fair! So that’s why i like it :) And it looks like saying to you! so it’s fun and i like it so you liked to may have or do you know any pigeon books if you like that books then you will like this too! There is cute duckling and pigeon always jealous him bye. I think pigeon book is best book because it’s so funny buy the book! -BL
    About 7 years ago
  • bfs_g1
    bfs_g1 added a book review.
    Have you ever been bored of a book! Well i got a book for you! It’s not chapters it’s not one book. Well if it boring dont think about it. The answer is three stories in a book my book is called (drum roll please) aggie and ben! I am running out of worlds but see you guys victoryies dont break aggie and ben there best dont ever think about it smashing it. If you never beard of this book it’s so funny. Everyone likes disney right but books are more smart elsa tell me a question of elsa does elsa teach you no! She doesent We love books and aggie and ben! Is about sweetness I read this book i read was febuary. Aggie and ben this is the funny part part. It’s this aggie we loosing and smelling the toilet ben was follwing and pretending to be aggie when aggie dicoverse the house she makes choices. Where her bed is treat wuter everyone has choices right. No matter what aggie does some choices are bad but she ends in lauwnder she this its a bed! In the end of the story aggie tried to get ben scared. And ben almost did because aggie was pulling the blanket and ben tarend on the light oat and he figured bye world thank you for reading! -CH
    About 7 years ago
  • bfs_g1
    bfs_g1 added a book review.
    Have you ever been scared of moving well I know a book that’s calld katie woo moving day. In this book katie woo wants to move but in the first prat katie woo was scared to move in the book. All so in the book she herers a loud wailing in the attik and if you like Katie woo moving day then you love katie woo Nervous night and the outhr Katie woo books nervous nightis the same as katie woo moving day. Hold on wer almost done. WE just need to read this book and next time too go to the liebary try to ckeck out Katie woo moving day! You can find it in panama and Newselund and Aalabama and at bfsand at anteartara and in the North pole. I think that Katie woo moving day is the book because I like the part when katie woo dint like the wall cats. And the prat that katie thot that when the tub had legs she thot that the tub whold run away whith her it is so funny. When you go to the libarytry to ckeck out katie woo moving day! Because it is so good -LM
    About 7 years ago