its a pretty decent book with a lot of comedy and it also is pretty interesting and silly. -neji recomends

Yotsuba&!, Vol. 1
By Kiyohiko Azuma
Book Reviews (10)
You want to see why this is a really funny book? READ IT!!!!!
Haha This book is super funny!
This book is so cool its super funny later in the series and fun
I just read it and its hillarious
So there's this little girl named Yotsuba, and she and her dad move to a new city (though it doesn't say where they move from). They befriend their new neighbors (a family with 3 girls) and they go on all kinds of "adventures". What I thought of it: I found this book quite amusing. I definitely laughed a lot. The characters were interesting. My favorite character was Yotsuba's dad. And I especially enjoyed the interactions between Yotsuba and her dad. I'm not sure how old Yotsuba is (I think she's 5), but she looks about 5 or 6 and she talks like she's 3. She also tends to talk about herself in the 3rd person, which makes her sound even younger. But it didn't really bother me. Overall, it was very funny and I really enjoyed it. This is probably my new favorite manga.
This is the best book ever!
I love Yotsuba, this is FOR SURE like, the awesomest series, ever.
Yotsuba& is about an orphan. Her name is Yotsuba. I already read all of the books in these series, and I can't wait to read more new ones. If, however, new ones are made. There are 12 books total, but since I don't want to spoil it for everybody by telling people what happens in what, I just going to be quite now. I RECOMMEND THIS FOR EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M NOT KIDDING! BEST COMIC I'VE EVER READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............. Uh..................................... Um..................................................... sorry. REAL SORRY?! REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY?! I'll seriously be quite now. But don't forget that I recommend this for everybody!
I previously read volume 3 out-of-context from my school library, but picked up volume 1 from my community library. I'd say it's pretty good and funny but I'm a bit worried about Yotsuba. She seems a bit over eager and fast to jump to conclusion. Are all six year old girls like that?
Actually, she isn't 6 years old. She is 5 years old. It says so in Yotsuba& #6. I'm not trying to offend you, I'm just pointing it out there.