What I've read in it is very interesting but I haven't read the whole series yet. It's cool but has a lot of death and other things younger kids may not want to read.

Warrior Cats Volume 1 to 12 Books Collection Set (The Complete First Series (Warriors: The Prophecies Begin Volume 1 to 6) & The Complete Second Series (Warriors: The New Prophecy Volume 7 to 12)
By Erin Hunter
Warrior Cats Volume 1 to 12 Books Collection Set:
Warriors: The Prophecies Begin Volume 1 to 6:
Into the Wild:
When 'kittypet' Rusty strays into the forest beyond his owner's garden and is ambushed by a wild cat, life as he knows it is over.
Fire and Ice:
The second of six titles, set in a thrilling world of wild cat clans. Firepaw, the warrior brave, is now Fireheart, warrior cat.
Forest of Secrets:
Allegiances are shifting among the Clans of warrior cats that roam the forest.
Rising Storm:
Fireheart's traitorous enemy Tigerclaw has been vanquished and exiled.
Dangerous Path:
Battles for honour and territory continue as Fireheart takes over the ThunderClan in this dramatic adventure.
The Darkest Hour:
ThunderClan's darkest hour is upon them, as Tigerstar's quest for power plunges all the Clans.
Warriors: The New Prophecy Volume 7 to 12:
In the exciting second Warriors story arc, the wild cats of the forest have lived in peace and harmony for many moons.
Several moons have passed since six cats set out from the forest on an urgent journey to save all their Clans.
Darkness, air, water, and sky will come together and shake the forest to its roots..
The Clans have finally arrived in their new home.
New territory brings new troubles for the fierce cats of the warrior Clans.
As shadows of the past continue to plague the forest, Brambleclaw is haunted by a dark figure.
Book Reviews (12)
The best book ever
They are great book that give you a different look at wild animals AKA wild cats
These books are sooooooooooooooooooo amazing!I have read the next 3 or 4 series and there is still about fifty books that I have not read and they are still being written!
It's AWESOME!!! I love cats and my cousin recommended me the series. Once i read abit i instantly fell in love with them.
I love these books! If you are in to cats and battles, i would really recommend these books! Erin Hunter is such an amazing writer and is still is writing these books! She also wrote Survivors, Bravelands, and Seekers. Again, these are amazing books and I totally Recommend them to people who liked the Wings Of Fire sieries.
Oh my goodness this is the most amazing series ever!!! for the people who are not reading this series and love cats you will absolutely love the warrior cats series!!😁😁😁
I LOVE WARRIOR CATS! I've literally written so many spin-offs(or rip-offs, if you want to be rude) on these. Warrior cats is so interesting, and it gave me a different idea on my cat and other cats.
I love it so much
You guys should read these amazing books! I recommend this to ages 4-12. It is combined with funniness and interesting-ness! (Not a word by the way) And they call us and our human things different names, like they call us "Twolegs and Upwalkers" and our roads "The Thunder-path" and guess what?! Our cars are named "Monsters!" It is filled with, happiness, funniness and braveness altogether! It is amazing! I read like 11 books of them already! Thank Erin Hunter for these lovely books! They made me want to read instead of sit in my room watching TV all day! I read the at night straight in the morning I just can't get enough! Everything is fun while reading these awesome books! And when you read you can picture it all in your head and once you keep reading more it is a whole movie inside a book! All the new words you can learn and don't get me started on the herbs! Doctors,healers,vets can use the herbs in these books to help more and more animals! ( I have tried trust me) and even if ya can't afford them just tell me and I will send you the words in the book! I know them by heart! There are prophecies you can think about before you keep reading and if you don't want to they will figure out what it means...I can't spoil it but there is a cat named Firestar and Fireheart you'll know why he has 2 names soon! And welp here is my review! It sure is long
The books are great! I agree with that! But please don’t read if you are under 9. This review says the books are okay for ages 4 and up. However, the books contain extremely gory scenes. One book, Spottedleaf’s Heart, contains EXTREMELY mature topics.