First things first this book is soo frickin long that it took me like 2 months to read! Second the peace part is BORING. this is for people with no life BEWARE

War and Peace (Classics)
By Leo Tolstoy
Book Reviews (3)
Okay. Let me get this straight. Most people won't believe me, but I have read this whole book, all 1000+ pages. It is so dry. If you dunked it in a bathtub filled with water, it would still be dry. If you dumped it in the Pacific Ocean, it would STILL be dry! It took two months to read (a normal 500 page would take me an estimated three weeks) and the epilogue had like, two parts! It's an achievement to finish reading the whole book, and definitely another to enjoy it (which I did not). If you really feel like reading this, go for it, but personally, I would not recommend it. I could rant on and on about War and Peace and its dryness, but I don't want to have you all staring at your devices for six hours or more just because you are reading this review, so, I'll put it into a "short" summary: It takes place in Russia in the 1800s and Russia is fighting in a war. The women get SUPER emotional about how their husbands are going away to war. A lot of people die. It's not super graphic, but it's not just "He was fighting. He died" either. I really disliked this book. Mic drop.
I believe you and agree with you.
Ok sooooooooo I am the first person to review this book (YAY) so lets get to the point. I read only 50 pages because I got kind of tired of it because it was only talking on those pages. I would rate it 3 stars.