I play a lot of poptropica

Poptropica: The Official Guide
By Tracey West
Book Reviews (8)
cant wait to read
I also played the game Poptropica and me and Snapshot are friends. I completed 32 islands.
I played the game. I completed 49 islands. I really want this book not for the guide because I completed every island in it. All I want is to just look at it. Everyone should play this game. Trust me, it is a good game. Anyone can play this. It is good.
I really like this book even though I didn't get to finish it, thank goodness that I have this book because the game is easy but its hard to get the gold medal.
it was one of the things that got me to play on the computer
i think that its great, because they give you tips, to how to finish the game and some lol moments. like if you get on top of the helicopter in reality island you will spin and cry
Ahem. I hereby declare this book as a tribute to my outrageous and obnoxious sibling, who is obsessed with video games but very dear to me. The book has guided me in the conquest of many islands and has proved useful in achieving many medallions. My only regret is that at times the description doesn't suffice as visual motion does, and that it is not updated like the complicated pieces of machinery of today. Cheers to Poptropica and this island guide! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!