Everyone should try reading this book because in my opinion it is fun to read (recommended for all ages)! π

The Hour of Magic (Geronimo Stilton and the Kingdom of Fantasy #8)
By Geronimo Stilton
Something evil was making the hands of the magical Tick Tock Timepiece spin faster and faster. It was causing Blossom to age at an alarming rate . . . and if she perished, so would the entire Kingdom of Fantasy! Holey cheese! It was up to me to restore time and harmony to the land. Could I do it before the clock reached its final hour?
Book Reviews (6)
This book is about a mouse who writes book about him adventures in the kingdom of fantasy.In this book he help his friend that is dying of old age because of a witch. He has to travel far and wide to save the queen. I am kind of famillar with this becaus ei have read other kingdom of fantasy books like this. I would give this book 4 stars because it is a very fun book and Iliked the others I just wish it was a little more exciting.
AWESOME i love adventures geronim stilton is amazing make more in the future!
I think this book was awesome because Geronimo Stilton wanted to help Queen Blossem But, Geronimo, but Geronimo Stilton did not know where to go. So, Queen Blossem told Geronimo Stilton " that she gave him a comepanyon. When Geronimo Stilton went to the Time Wizerd and noisted that the Tick Tock Timepiece spin faster and faster. I wonder if Geronimo Stilton will return alive? Also I wonder if Geronimo Stilton can do it before the final hour. This Book was awesome. I think you should read it!π
Wow in this book Cackle the evil witch has sisters Geronimo faces Eclipse the smartest to turn younger and make Blossom older! Wow! :D