The Bible for Beginners: 11 Easy Steps to Understanding the Bible & Becoming Closer to Christ in the Process… (The Bible, Bible Study, Bible, Holy Bible)
By Julia Bristol
Audiobook is Now Available with Audible!
Like many people each morning, you wake up, pour yourself a good cup of coffee, take your shower and get dressed for work. You go through your everyday life doing this routine without a care for His Word. It is as if you are in a hurry to meet the day and get everything started. But do you get satisfaction from all these? Do you see yourself doing the same thing over and over again? Sadly, many people are trapped in this dilemma. While caring for your outward appearance and your job are not all wrong, you also need not forget that your inner thoughts and attitude are of great value. Above all, prayer and meditation should be your topmost priority in life. And that is what this book is about.
Now, ask yourself these questions: Do you still pause for a moment to think of today’s God’s blessings? Do you still devote time to God when you wake up each morning? Do you still thank Him as you retire at night? If you think you are lacking in this department, this book will change everything, and that includes how you start and end your day, as well as in building an intimate relationship with God.
Here is a Preview of What You Will Learn:
- How Important it is for Christians to Set a Block of their Time with God Each Day...
- Prayer Should be a Lifestyle...
- How to Get to Know the Bible More...
- Learn More about the Scriptures and Bible Verses...
- The Role of the Church in Your Spiritual Walk with God...
- Everything that a true Christian believer must do in order to fully understand the Bible and ultimately develop an intimate relationship with Jesus...
The prophet Jeremiah noted that the problem with God’s people is that they are so focused on their daily lives and activities that God often gets pushed to the bottom of their to-do lists. But you should remember that spiritual growth should happen from the inside out. If you are serious with your walk with God and in giving Him more time more than you do your daily tasks, you must learn to put God at the top of your priority list.
Try doing this: As you get up from bed and shower, praise God for the cleansing through Jesus’ sacrifice at the cross. When you pour your cup of coffee, ask God to empty you so that you may long for him more, and be filled by His presence throughout the day. As you get dressed for work and put on your accessories, thank Him for beautifying your life with the fruits of the Spirit. Ask God to soften your heart as He leads you through the day. Give thanks to Him for being the foundation of your life, and ask Him to give you eyes to see His works in your life. Acknowledging God in everything you do, even in the tiniest details of your life will help you develop a closer connection with Him. Being in the presence of God does not always mean going to church or praying in your knees, it is a constant communication with your creator, a constant meeting, a time with Him.
Developing this kind of attitude will change your life and how you come to God. He is just there waiting to be recognized, to be approached. Open your doors to Him and He will surely open His arms to you. Conducting a Bible study for men and a Bible study for women will help a lot in your walk with Him. May this day be the beginning of your fruitful walk with the Lord and your better understanding of His Word
****Learn the Easy Steps to Fully Understanding the Bible... Get Your Copy Now****
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN-13: 9781517276522
ISBN-10: 1517276527
Published on 9/8/2015
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 58
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