Kids Books - Trending Books

My America: My Brother's Keeper: Virginia's Civil War Diary, Book One

My America: My Brother's Keeper: Virginia's Civil War Diary, Book One

By Mary Pope Osborne

Virginia B. Dickens, who is also known to everyone as just Ginny. Her father and older brother, Jedidiah who got involved of helping do stuff while away from home during the American Civil War of 1863. Reverend McCully along with his wife and daughter; Jane Ellen who Ginny stayed with while her father and Jed were away. Ginny, as in she described in the journal, about war, dying soldiers, and trying to collect the courage to help and comfort soldiers. - Happy Reading!

The Wizards of Once

The Wizards of Once

By Cressida Cowell

"once there was magic..." "once there was magic and the magic lived in the dark forest until the warriors came Xar is a wizard boy who has no magic and will do anything to get it. Wish is a warrior girl but she owns something forbidden something magical and will do anything to conceal it. When stars collide Xar and wish must forget there differences if they are ever going to make it to the hidden dungeons at warrior fort... ...where something that has been sleeping for hundreds of years is stirring... " For me this book was full of wander imagination and ceratvatey I fully enjoyed this book and will be reading it again before I go read the next one 10/10

Miss Suzy

Miss Suzy

By Miriam Young

Miss Suzy is just regular squirrel with grayish fur who is very sweet. She is willing to help anyone; and as you can see on the book cover, Miss Suzy is helping the toy soldiers do something. When I was little, I almost always read this book, imagining myself being with Miss Suzy and her adventures. This book is very sweet book and this would be so difficult for anyone not to like this book! - Happy Reading!

Dog Man: From the Creator of Captain Underpants (Dog Man #1)

Dog Man: From the Creator of Captain Underpants (Dog Man #1)

By Dav Pilkey

Author:Dav Pilkey Published:August 30,2018 Dog Man In the book Dog Man, the main character is Dog Man. Then there is Petey, an EVIL cat that tries to get rid of Dog Man. Petey was the one who created Dog Man by blowing them up. Dog Man is a cop that likes the chief so much that he gets in trouble for jumping on him. There is the mayor, and she tries to get the chief in trouble because she think she is the queen. Then there are these hot dogs that try to take over the world by getting a huge taco and ruling the city, but Dog Man saves the day by blowing up the taco with a can of living spray. Dog Man goes flying and so does Petey. Dog Man lands in the police station, and Petey land in Cat jail. Then things go back to normal. I think that people that like to read comic books and like to laugh while reading these books. This book would be a 2nd grade - 5th grade reading level book. I think most of the ages 8 - 12 year old would like this book.

Cabin Fever (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)

Cabin Fever (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)

By Jeff Kinney

This story is about a teenage boy named Greg Heffley, and this book is actually his diary. So, Greg writes everyday about his life, from embarrassing experiences in school, to his hilarious childhood. In this diary, Cabin Fever, Greg writes about how he wanted to advertise for himself, who is going to sell chicken drumsticks, so we made a poster to put up on the walls of his school. However, this leads him into trouble, because the snow made the poster wet, and the ink colors from the posters went on the school's wall, and it wouldn't wash off. Greg tried to run away, but the police sees him, and the next day, Greg sees the news, and it's about the ink on the wall of the school. After that, a blizzard hits Greg's house, and more troubles happen. I think this story is a very funny story, and I learned from this book that even though there can be very bad things that will happen to you in your life, you can still get through it.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1

Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1

By Jeff Kinney

I have read the series multiple times, and my mom was always mad about it. I don';t know why, but Jeff Kinney had m hooked on from the first page. That is not something that happens a lot with me. I have to read a few pages and then I decide whether I want to read the book or not. So this is probably one of the many books that would be my go-to if I didn't have any other books to read. If you don't know what this book is about, it is about a kid that is in middle school. He has weird people in his h=neighborhood and school. He wants to to do grown-up stuff and all the things his parents do. But when he tries, he finds out how hard it is. It shows his emotions about school, at his home, and a bunch of other stuff many kids have to deal with. I don't know how, but Jeff Kinney mixed comedy with actual life o well, you would actually think he was writing this books when he was a child. Overall, I give this book 5/5 stars. Well done, Jeff!

Dork Diaries 1: Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life

Dork Diaries 1: Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life

By Rachel Renée Russell

Personally, i think this book is pretty good. im in the 5th grade, and ive been reading since 2nd grade. (thanks to my older sister) alot of people dont like how the protagonist, Nicki talks alot about boys and crushes and romantic teenager problems. But personally i think its just sort of realistic, Nicki is not in the 4th grade, shes a teen. This book isnt technically about a fun adventure with no worrys or stress, its realistic "slice of life" book. it speaks about growing pains and i think its interesting since i like books with drama and realistic ideals, usually. even in manga i like it when for example, attack on titan isnt all just about the titans but also shows the characters personalities and personal goals and stuff like that, friendships being broken and stuff that hurts the reader because of how realistic it is, but also has fiction like titans. Back to dork diaries, this is one of the only non-manga books i like, i will say Nicki can get a bit whiny and makes it a bit less enjoyable but overall i really like the idea and plot of this book, no its not a Diary of the Wimpy Kid "rip-off", its different in its own way because its more grown-up and usually girls struggle alot more with growing up so its natural Dork Diaries feels grown. I love this book! It can be very stereotypical tho, just because Nicki is a new "nerdy girl" who gets picked on, and on top of that her enemy is Mackenzie Hollister, the most popular girl in school. I like how much the book has so many twist and turns.

The One and Only Ivan

The One and Only Ivan

By Katherine Applegate

I loved this book so much it was so sweet and so heart breaking all at the same time. It really made me want to read it more because it was always so mysterious but I always wanted to know what was going to happen next. This book is so good and I have heard this book so much because my great grandma would read this book to me before I would go to bed and my sister when she got to fifth- grade to. This is one of my favorite books I have ever read and I really enjoyed this book. I enjoyed hearing the whole story about what happened and not just when he was older.

The 13-Story Treehouse (The Treehouse Books)

The 13-Story Treehouse (The Treehouse Books)

By Andy Griffiths

Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton are world-famous author and illustrator, but have you ever wondered where and how they write there books. They do so in there very own thirteen story treehouse! It has a a bowling alley, a see-through swimming pool, a secret underground laboratory, and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and automatically shoots marshmallows into your mouth whenever you are hungry. However, they have to create their next book, and they are already late on submitting it. There are many distractions while they try to write this book. This includes a mermaid, sea monkeys, and a giant gorilla. How will they ever finish their book? This was an interesting story. It is not very long, and only took me 10 to 20 minutes to read. However, it wasn't very action packed. It is a good book for ages seven and up.



By R. J. Palacio

Wonder was a book I first read 2 years ago, and over the years, I just couldn't stop re-reading it. The kids at my school call this book "childish", "horrible," and "weird just like the kid in the book." I think just the opposite. August is a normal kid on the inside, but not on the outside. His face has a 'deformity', which is pretty much one of the best words I could think of to describe it. Wherever he goes, people get frightened of him, scream, and run away. August always wanted a normal life and a normal face. August has always been homeschooled, but now he has to face a new challenge - actually going to school, surrounded by his peers. He was shown around by three of the 'nicest kids in school,' Jack, Julian, and Charlotte. August later finds out that Julian is not very nice at all. Once he starts going to school, August becomes best friends with Jack and people quickly start getting used to his face after weeks and months go by. He also becomes friends with Summer, and they make their lunch table, a "Summer-Only Table." At Halloween, August goes to school in a Bleeding Scream costume, when everyone thought he was going in a Boba Fett costume. August overhears Jack talking to Julian about their friendship. Jack said some very uncaring remarks about August, which he didn't really mean. But August got hurt and decided to not to be friends with Jack anymore. He was so hurt that he wanted to quit school, but his sister Via, convinces him not to. His sister Via was the one who had stuck up for him through thick and thin. Jack is very confused to why August doesn't talk to him anymore (since he didn't know it was August in the Bleeding Scream costume.) He asks Summer (who August had confided in) and Summer says, "Bleeding Scream," but Jack doesn't understand. Later, when Jack and August are paired for a science project. Jack pieces together the whole thing and realized that August was the person in the Bleeding Scream costume. Then, when Jack is talking with Julian and Julian calls August a freak, Jack punches Julian, defending his friend. Julian's mom takes it out on August instead, saying that August shouldn't even be in Beecher Prep. Meanwhile, August learns that Jack stood up for him and they become friends again. There are many characters, and each character takes a turn telling the story, so there are many chapters about the characters, side-stories, kind of. In these chapters, August and Via's dog, Daisy, dies. It is very sad and whenever I read it, I keep crying because of their sadness. Via also stars in a play and makes up with her friend Miranda, who she had separated from earlier in the book. Near the end of the book, the whole fifth grade (the grade that August is in) takes a trip to a nature reserve park. While August and Jack are in the woods, some seventh graders insult August, calling him "Gollum" and "Freddy Krueger", which was similar to the insults my friends said about August. Miles, Amos, and Henry, who were formerly friends with Julian, stood up for him. This reminds me when my friends and I all stood up against a bully, who was a common enemy. In the end of the book, we learn that Julian will not be returning to Beecher Prep in the fall. Also, as the school year finishes, there is an award ceremony. In the award ceremony, the principal gives a speech on how someone in this room accomplished great things, and overcame a lot of things. The last award in the book was given to August because he overcame everything, even with so many obstacles thrown in his way. I also want to give a special mention to the quotes in the back of the book, and one (said by August) especially moved me. "Everyone should get a standing ovation at least once in their life, because we all overcometh the world." It was beautiful. To conclude, this book moved me to tears. It was heartwarming, it was beautiful, it taught a wonderful lesson, got me emotional, was hilarious at some parts and was very touching. "This book is a wonder." - Myself.

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