Hieroglyphic Typewriter

By Sona Dolasia

Hieroglyphic Typewriter

Communicate like ancient Egyptians with this Hieroglyphic Typewriter.  All you have to do is to use your mouse and click on the letters on the keyboard on the site. When you are done with your word or sentence, simply press your return key and voila, you will see the entire sequence in Hieroglyphics. Incase you are wondering, the image on your right reads DOGONews!

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  • e=mc2over 12 years
    I'm just incredibly smart
    • e=mc2over 12 years
      i can speak, write and read over 19 languages, including Egyptian.
      • vp625
        vp625over 12 years
        oh no man this is very hard
        • rubyalmost 13 years
          i dont no were to go
          • Kailynnalmost 13 years
            How do you get to the typewriter? I am trying to write my spelling words in hieroglyphics but everything i go to is like not what i am looking for. Huhhhhhh i am getting fustrated!:(
            • Kailynnalmost 13 years
              Funky looking
              • erinlove59
                erinlove59almost 13 years
                • monkeylady
                  monkeyladyalmost 13 years
                  my name looks really cool and it is a really good way to pass notes in class, if i learned it. by the way, hi loduslu!!!!! <3
                  • katniss360
                    katniss360almost 13 years
                    that seems really cool.....
                    • applejax
                      applejaxalmost 13 years

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