Hilarous 14th book in the DOAWK series! Gregs house is getting old, rats, mice, bugs, not enough space for everyone, cracking walls, angry neighbors and eveything like that you can iamagine. But that's not that bad, worse comes... When they try to construction their house, EVERYTHING messes up, and there house is crazy! They try to look for a new house but can't find one... Will they survive a wrecking ball expirenece? Read this book to find out!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 14
By Jeff Kinney
Book Reviews (98)
This is my favorite book series! I'm excited for the next one to come out!
I decided because I've read the other books and I love them I've been reading them for almost a year
This Book looks so good!
I love this book because Jeffkinny is one of the best writers who ever lived. He always tells the story like it could really happen.
This is an awesome book! Here is a summary. The great aunt of a kid and his brothers dies, so the kid's family gets the money she leaves for them. The mother uses the money for home improvement. However, the process destroys the house, which means they have to move. In the end, they all come home because their hot tub crashes into the roof. You should definitely consider reading this book!
This book was really funny. The book is about a kid named Greg and his great aunt passed away and his family gets her inheritance............
I really want to read this book
It was a great experience it had a lot of fun things to read over all it is a awesome book
all the books are amazing, but i must say that this isn't the worst of the bunch