The 13-Story Treehouse (The Treehouse Books)

The 13-Story Treehouse (The Treehouse Books)

By Andy Griffiths

125 ratings 188 reviews 71 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 2 - 4n/a3.89219

Andy and Terry live in a treehouse. But it's not just any old treehouse, it's the most amazing treehouse in the world!

This treehouse has thirteen stories, a bowling alley, a see-through swimming pool, a secret underground laboratory, and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and automatically shoots marshmallows into your mouth whenever you are hungry.

Life would be perfect for Andy and Terry if it wasn't for the fact that they have to write their next book, which is almost impossible because there are just so many distractions, including thirteen flying cats, giant bananas, mermaids, a sea monsters pretending to be mermaids, enormous gorillas, and dangerous burp gas-bubblegum bubbles!

Join the fun with The 13-Story Treehouse by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton. This title has Common Core connections.

Publisher: Andy Griffiths
Published on 9/21/2015
Binding: Paperback

Book Reviews (189)

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Olivia Olivia

I love this book so much

Poppy Poppy

Brilliant book. It is a very funny story about 2 kids called Andy and Terry who live in an amazing treehouse with a marshmallow machine and other cool stuff. But they have to write a book quickly or they will be sacked. But they get distracted. Will they write their book in time? A very funny book

I love this book and as @pizzgirl7 is saying there names are Andy and Terry!!

Poppy Poppy

Really good book .First of a series. I recommend it to anyone who likes to have a good laugh.

There names are Andy and Terry they live in a 13 story story tree house .with lots of rooms like a lemonade fountain room! They write books.Andy writes the words and Terry draws the pictures .Mr big nose wants the book now!but they don't know what to write the book about!(they write the book about this book) Terry painted a cat yellow and turned it into a canary!a catanry!this book is great!I recommend this to 8 to 12 year olds I rate 4/5!😃

Andy & Terry live in a 13-story tree house they love to write/illustrate funny books there fault life turning a cat into a canary by painting it red, battling sea monsters pretending to be a mermaid, giant gorillas, crazy monkeys, and a publisher that wants a book NOW! This book was alright I'd be interested in reading the next book 26-story tree house. Thanks for reading -Ajg15's Reviews

I got this book from the library and it was great! There are funny pictures and the two main character are always doing something hilarious. I love this book because of how hilarious it is. I know you will love it too!

Very funny and amusing-I really loved it and highly recommend it to all readers out there. A great book that you can read over and over again without getting bored!

This book is really lame. I read it once when I was younger and I thought I would try it again, but I liked it even less the second time around.

Andy & Terry live in a 13-story treehouse they love to write/illustrate funny books there everyday life turning cats into canarys by painting them yellow, battling sea monsters pretending to be a mermaid, giant gorrilas, crazy monkeys, and a publisher that wants a new book NOW! This book was alright, I'd be interested in reading the next book 26-story treehouse. Thanks for reading -Ajg15's Reviews

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