Summer Reading 2015

KIDS - Read & Win Free Books!

How ? Its fun and easy.....
  1. Sign-up below & mail Consent Form
  2. Select books from Reading List
  3. Read & Review 3 books on DOGObooks
  4. Pick a FREE book from Prizes*
  5. Do it again (till Prizes last)

* max of 20 books per entry


Sign-up your students & patrons.....
  • 10 schools with most kids signed-up win books
  • Download flyer for students
  • 10 libraries with most kids signed-up win books
  • Download flyer for library patrons
Reading List (78)
Prize List (76)
  • roriocooky
    roriocookyalmost 10 years
    Can we suggest book that we can get as prizes?
    • editor
      editoralmost 10 years
      unfortunately not for this year - but we can try for next year
    • mbpenguin
      mbpenguinalmost 10 years
      i can't read my books
      • roriocooky
        roriocookyalmost 10 years
        Yes you have to either have the book, or you have to borrow them from someone or a library.
        • editor
          editoralmost 10 years
          you cant read books online - you will have to borrow them from your library
        • rainbowfox
          rainbowfoxalmost 10 years
          so cool
          • lulubeans
            lulubeansalmost 10 years
            Please help! Can I search for a book on the summer reading list?
            • editor
              editoralmost 10 years
              the only books that are eligible are the ones that are on the list
            • reeltreble
              reeltreblealmost 10 years
              It won't let me add books to my reading list
              • editor
                editoralmost 10 years
                are you sure you are signed into summer reading too not just your account?
              • andreww3210
                andreww3210almost 10 years
                Editor, do you know how long supplies last?
                • editor
                  editoralmost 10 years
                  depends on how fast kids review books and claim prizes - so start doing yours asap
                • talk2camden
                  talk2camdenalmost 10 years
                  Do reviews count if they are NOT from the reading list?
                • ocelot
                  ocelotalmost 10 years
                  How do you vote for your school?
                  • ocelot
                    ocelotalmost 10 years
                    Or your library?
                    • felicisowl
                      felicisowlalmost 10 years
                      You click Join Summer Reading and type in your school and your library and it should pop up. :)
                  • mags
                    magsalmost 10 years
                    It won't let me add books either, it also says I'm not authorized to access it
                    • sushi321
                      sushi321almost 10 years
                      yeah same thing!!
                      • felicisowl
                        felicisowlalmost 10 years
                        Cool username, mags! Is that a reference from Catching Fire? Is it? Is it? (I'd be embarrassed if it wasn't +=+)
                        • mags
                          magsalmost 10 years
                          In a way, I guess. My friends call me that because my name is Maggie, and they tease me about being an old yeah. :)
                        • editor
                          editoralmost 10 years
                          the issue has been fixed - thanks for letting us know
                        • gso44
                          gso44almost 10 years
                          hey can you help me guys, it won't let me select any books for my prize

                        Summer Reading 2015 has ended!

                        May 14 - September 30, 2015
                        Terms and Conditions

                        Summer Reading 2015 Stats

                        Books read:
                        Books reviewed:
                        Prizes won:
                        Schools participating:

                        Recent Members