very good book and series, continues on in monster, good book for mature readers and young adults some swearing inside action packed and very real

Hunger (Gone)
By Michael Grant
Book Reviews (2)
This was a really amazing great book. I enjoyed it a lot and this got me to read way more than I usually do. This is what it's about. Since Caine Soren, the leader was actually evil and wanted a lot of destruction. And after being sick for 3 months, him and his crew finally go and try to kill Sam and take over The FAYZ (fallout alley youth zone). Unfortunately, that wasn't the worst. Many kids were very lazy and completely refusing to work, and one of the results of that was starvation. Some people who didn't get powers were jealous and falsely accused someone of murdering, causing many people without powers to turn against them (the people with powers). The FAYZ seems to be going down and nothing is going well. I thought this was a really great book and the author did an amazing job adding suspense and I was really attached to this book.