.The title of the book is Elon Musk And The Quest For A Fantastic Future. The Author of the book is Ashlee Vance Photos by: R.kikuo Johnson. There are 280 pages in the book. When Elon was 12 he made the the game Blastar and sold it to a publisher for $500. Every day Elon would try to read 10 hours a day. He considered himself to take risk after his grandpa. When Elon was little he told himself “I can do whatever I set my mind to so he when he was making the Tesla Roadster that took 4-6 models of till he got his favorite one. Elon let eBay by pay pal for $1.5 billion on July 2002. In conclusion Elon tried to make a reusable rocket after it worked he took risk by launching his car to space in the falcon 9 and bring it back to planet earth safely with no problem it the car or rocket I would recommend this book for young readers so you can also set your mind to do some thing new. one question I would ask Elon is",why do you spend more time at work then your family

Elon Musk and the Quest for a Fantastic Future Young Readers' Edition
By Ashlee Vance
An in-depth look into the extraordinary life of the world’s most important entrepreneur, Elon Musk
This fascinating and easily accessible young readers’ adaptation of Ashlee Vance’s New York Times bestselling Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future features black-and-white photographs throughout and an epilogue. The version for adults has been praised as “riveting” (The Financial Times), “spirited” (The Wall Street Journal), and “masterful” (Vice). Now younger readers can read about this innovative leader who is revolutionizing three industries at once: space, automotive, and energy.
There are few people in history who could match Elon Musk’s relentless drive and vision. A modern combination of famous inventors and industrialists like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Steve Jobs, Elon is the man behind companies such as SpaceX, Tesla Motors, SolarCity, and PayPal that are transforming the way we live.
Written with exclusive access to Elon, his family, and his friends, this book traces Elon’s journey from a kid in South Africa to a young man in the United States, his dramatic technical inventions, and his world-changing companies. Elon has sparked new levels of innovation in the world, and this book gives young readers a detailed but fast-paced look at his story.
A Junior Library Guild Selection!
Book Reviews (6)
The book I read is called Elon Musk and the Quest for a Fantastic Future. This book was written by Ashlee Vance and the photos were taken by R Kiku Johnson. This book has 280 pages in this book Musk has a lot of interesting things about him like how he has a lot of hard ships in his life. For example he was bullied as a kid and got pushed around by a lot of kids. I guess that you can say that Musk was not the coolest kid in town he was a know it all and never really had any friends in his life. The lesson that I learned from Musk is to never give up even when the going gets tough he always pushed through. For example when Musk was making a rocket that we can reuse he failed 7 times before he did it and in the prosess of doing this his banker almost stopped paying him but Musk never gave up. Another example was when he was making the motor for the Tesla he failed 4 times before he made it possible that we can have a very fast electric car. Did you know that if you had a Tesla and your friend had a lambergine you would win because Tesla starts faster Tesla's can get from 0 to 60 miles per hour in .9 seconds a lambergine can get from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds! I would recommend this book because Elon Musk is a very immportent person and we need to respect him and his brain. one question that I have for Musk is why did you not just give up when your banker almost stopped paying you?
the name of my book that i read was called ¨Elon Musk and the quest for a fantastic future¨ the author is Ashlee Vance and the Illustrator is R. Kikuo Johonson and in this book there is 275. I really do look up to Elon musk because he tough me a lot of important lessons sush as like you can do any thing because elon musk had a toufe life because at 9 his parents divorced so it was really touffe for him and he had to stick up to bullies so it was really hard for him so you can kind of see what i mean when i say that he ah a very toufe life at the start! SO what i mean by you can do anything is that as you can see with is toufe start of life he is very smart and intelligent like when he was like 17 or 18 he made a video game but i forgot the name of it though and also currently he has 2 company but it used to be 3 but Tesla and solar city teamed up as one to make a big company! The company's are solar city,Tesla, and lastly space X the biggest company space x is a you'd say a miny version of NASA nut smaller it is a rocket ship company and Tesla is a electric modern car company with really cool cars, and solar city was a solar company with solar panels! Why i admire elon musk so mush is because he did so mush for every body include saving lives because currently space X is sending supplies to mars for a big back up play for us humans so lets say the world explodes so we have a back up plan for us! All in all I think elon musk is helping us do a lot of nice and life saving things in are world.
My book is called, “ Elon musk and the Quest for a Fantastic Future,” and is written by Ashlee Vance also the genre is a biography, this book has 280 pages. R. Kikuo Johnson did the photos, also the book is about how he runs all of his companies his weekly schedule. Next, it talks about how they developed all four companies. Lastly it talked about what mistakes he made when doing business and how we resolved them. A lesson Elon Musk learned is to never give up. He learned this when, Elon Musk’s first rocket failed, although he was devastated he persevered and kept trying and,he didn’t give up even though there was a few rocket fails. After a few tries to launch his rocket, Elon Musk, finally launched a rocket into orbit and everyone was so joyful. Over all, Elon Musk would have never succeeded if gave up, so his perseverance has paid off by him succeeding. In Conclusion I don’t recommend this book because of all the names I got confused, and because of that I would rate the book a 3 out of 10. I would rate the pictures a 7 out of 10, because the blueprints helped me imagine his inventions. A question I have to the Author is, “how long did it take to write this book?
the book that I read is called "Elon Musk and the quest for a fantastic future" this book is a autobiography and was written by a Ashlee Vance . this is a nonfiction story. The life of Elon Musk had a lot of hard ships to it such as bullies he was beat up by a group of boys.He was not popular kid ether.He was more of a nerd but he learned a lot of life lessons from it though a cuple of them where never give up and do not listen to the people who bring you down. For example when his dad said"you should be like me all of this technology stuff is a waist of time". also another lesson that he learned was do what you love. These lessons are important even though he was made fun of that did not stop him he took them as complments and moved on with his life he became super sucsesful in life from all of the lessons that he learned. All of the lessons that he learned were vary inportant to his carer but the all time lesson was don't listen to the people that bring you down because if he listen to the dad or the buliyes he would have a bad life it would be ruend by them. In conclusion I would recimend this book because the life lessons that he learned as a kid to a man it teaches a lot of lessons in this book he was wounse a nerd to a billionare there are meany unawnserd questions such as "why did you not stand up for what is right?"lastly I recimend this book it is a fantastic story on a famos persons life.
I think it is a pretty cool book! The reason is because it talks about Elon Musk. Spoiler: it talks about him wanting to create a solar city