The Carpet People Writing Contest

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Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books for Young Readers
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books for Young Readers
Contest dates:
November 4 - December 13, 2013
Num entries:

When Terry Pratchett wrote The Carpet People at the age of 17, little did he know that his wildly imaginative tale about the adventures of tiny people living inside a carpet would mark the beginning of an amazing career.  He would go on to become one of the world's most beloved storytellers, writing more than fifty novels, which have sold 85 million copies.

Do you want to be a writer like Terry Pratchett ? Now's your chance to show the world what you can do in the Carpet People Writing Contest !



Read the excerpt above for inspiration, then imagine a miniature world in any household object - like a couch, refrigerator, TV or even your Xbox.  Now write a short fictional story (100-300 words) about this miniature world.  Stories can be funny, dramatic or bizarre. 

Requirements Rules Judging Criteria

The contest has ended!

Winners have been selected!

Contest Winners
  • Bizarre Entry

    ian21tangover 11 years
    Deep in the heart of the land of Aircondition, Joe Bobb and his friend Larry Mahone were known for their adventures. One day, Joe and Larry started heading for the Plug, the most dangerous part of Aircondition. As they walked through the land, Joe started noticing that the colors were starting to change. Soon, the laws of motion and the laws of perspective had been broken. All of a sudden, Larry noticed a huge giant about five feet away from them. as they continued to walk on cautiously, they noticed that they still hadn't reached the giant yet, even after walking 100 feet! Then everything changed. The ground gave way and ground became water and water became land. the started sinking until all of a sudden the water froze. Joe tried to use his hands to break the newly formed ice around them, but nothing happened. Joe and Larry both took out their emergency pens and papers and began to write their will. When they finished writing, it began to get warmer and warmer until BOOM! a massive underwater/underground-whichever way you put it-geyser blasted Joe and Larry up until they hit their heads on something hard. They were the first people to reach the Battery Compartment. They climbed and climbed until all of a sudden the whole platform gave way and they plummeted to their deaths. "We're lucky we wrote those wills," Joe said. "I'm too young to die!!!" wailed Larry. Right when they were going to hit land, a giant air bag popped up and saved them. The bad thing was, the air bag destroyed all towns in a 50 mile radius. Joe and Larry sighed and walked away sullenly.
    • Dramatic Entry

      ilovewolvesover 11 years
      I wonder why no one ever understands. I'm not gross. I don't love slime or muck or any of that stuff. I just have to live, right? And I have to live somewhere. Even though that place happens to be the shower drain. Quite honestly, it's not bad. I mean, sure. My bed may be a hairball. And I may never be able to read my favorite book, cause of the absence of light. But there is lot's of good things too. Like the slime-skating rink. I got my first pair of slime-skates for my third birthday. Another good thing is... well, that's about it. But I don't complain. Even when my pet spider, Wolfie ran away, I don't complain. Even when the five giant weird skin-like tentacles, each topped with a giant nail snatched up my living room couch, with my parents on it, I don't complain. But that was before. Before the explosions. Before the Destructor came. Before I was in the light. Now, I have been renamed Bunny McDusty. I live in an area where I have to run from these giants with giant tentacles connected to their arms. I must admit, I didn't expect to see old Wolfie again. I was even more surprised to find where my old pet now lived: Under the couch.


      One (1) Winning Prize for each of the following categories:

      • funniest story
      • most dramatic story
      • most bizarre story

      Each winner will receive the following book, a $25 iTunes Gift Card and a Deluxe Art Print of Terry Pratchett's illustrations.

      $25 iTunes Card

      Deluxe Art Print of Terry Pratchett's illustrations (Size: 5.25" x 10.25")

      First 30 Accepted Entries will receive an Advanced Reader's Copy of: