On Saturday, March 2nd, sixty-six mushers and their teams of between 12-16 dogs received a rousing send off from enthusiastic fans in Anchorage, Alaska, as they began the first-leg of the grueling world-renowned trail sled dog competition - The Iditarod!...
Read news articleRock climbing, where participants ascend or descend natural rock formations is not an easy sport. It requires not only physical strength, but also, complete mental concentration. But don't tell 20-year old Sasha diGuilian that. This fearless girl who has been dominating the sport ever since she entered the fray, is just getting warmed up....
Read news articleIf you are an avid skier, right about now, you are probably moaning and groaning about the end of the season and wondering what you are going to do for the rest of the year. Here's an idea - How about wave skiing? Sounds a little crazy? It sure is, which is probably why there are extremely few people in the world that have even tried it and only one, that seems to indulge in it on a regular basis....
Read news articleIf you think Olympic athletes that have four years to train in between events have it rough, then you haven't met the sportsmen and women that participate in the Kila Raipur Olympics. Not only do they compete every year, but also, do so in 'sporting events' that require very unusual skills and in some cases, almost inhuman strength. Also, even though the villagers don't spend millions of dollars on special venues, shows and firework extravaganzas, these games appear to be much more fun than the real deal!...
Read news articleIf your school is like most, chances are you have one gym that is used for maybe one or two sports - Most likely Volleyball and Basketball. And it's not because that is the maximum number of sports the gym can be scheduled for, but because all sports have different boundary lines and while the colors can be changed, it still gets a little confusing for athletes. Now, Germany's ASB Systembau has created an interactive floor that allow for the markings to be changed, instantly with a mere push of a button....
Read news articleAmidst all the hoopla about the Harbaugh brothers being pitted against each other in Super Bowl 47 and the fact that it was Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis's last game, there was one celebrity who went completely unnoticed - The team's offensive tackle, Michael Oher! For those that are drawing a blank, he was the inspiration behind the 2010 Hollywood blockbuster, 'The Blind Side,' for which Sandra Bullock received her first Oscar....
Read news articleObserved annually during the month of February, Black History Month is an important American tradition that dates all the way back to 1926. It was established by historian Carter G. Woodson to ensure that contributions made by African American men and women throughout history, would not be forgotten....
Read news articleToday Is Super Bowl or should we say 'Super Baugh' Sunday - America's biggest game day. While all football finals are highly anticipated, this one is even more so, because for the first time in the history of the NFL, the coaches of the two opposing teams - The San Francisco 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens - are brothers!. This means more viewers, more parties and of course, more noshing!...
Read news articleCycling or even walking in urban areas can be a little treacherous, thanks to the fact that one is sharing the road with vehicles that are Increasingly getting larger and heavier. A 2009 study conducted by the World Health Organization revealed that of the 1.27 million people that perish in road traffic crashes each year, about half, are pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists. Now there may be a solution that could provide at least some relief to protect this vulnerable group - An airbag!...
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