becose i like fashion and her clothes are nice and it makes me the reader have a reacshion

Barbie Girl (Baby Doll Series) (Volume 1)
By Heidi Acosta
Barbie is the bad girl at school. She does not have any friends, names like, slut, druggie, skank don't even faze her anymore. Sure they hurt, but she knows how to numb that pain. Besides she has big plans to take her little brother and run as soon as she graduates. That is until she is told that she is failing math and will not graduate if she does not pass. Her small hope at a normal life for her and her brother dwindling she will need to get a tutor and the best option is Dylan. The boy she has known since elementary school, but has not spoken to in years. Even if he agrees to tutor her she has no way to pay him. Any money she does get her mom manages to blow on drugs or booze. So she makes a deal that Dylan cannot refuse. She will get Dylan the girl of his dreams in return for a passing grade. At first it's just a deal that is made but suddenly both Barbie and Dylan are fighting off whirlwind feelings... and there is more to be exposed than just feelings. Dylan has been in love with Katie from the moment he seen her. If only she knew that he existed. He could not pass up the opportunity to finally get her to notice him. Barbie’s unpredictable behaviors will ether destroy the little social life he has or boost him in to popularity. But is that what he really wants? Barbie has him questioning his feelings? But how can you fight something that you crave? Can Dylan see past what he believes Barbie to be? Can Barbie risk losing more than just her heart? A heartwarming tale of romance, friendship and the meaning of true love.
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN-13: 9781482340778
ISBN-10: 1482340771
Published on 7/9/2013
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 266