Donald Trump Sworn In As The 45th President Of The United States Of America
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On Friday, January 20, thousands of supporters gathered at the US Capitol in Washington D.C to witness the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. The 35-word oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” culminated Mr. Trump’s stunning trajectory from real-estate tycoon to holding the country’s highest office.
As is tradition, Mr. Trump and his wife Melania attended a service at the St. John’s Episcopal Church before heading to the White House for coffee with outgoing President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle. The two Presidents then shared a limousine for the short ride to the Capitol.

President Trump’s brief 16-minute speech — the shortest since President Carter’s 1977 inaugural adress — reiterated his campaign promise of restoring America’s greatness. The incoming US leader told the cheering crowd scattered across Washington’s Mall, “Today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or one party to another, we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.” He also promised, “From this day forward, it’s going to be only America first,” and vowed that “our country will thrive and prosper again.”
Following the speech, the president ate the customary lunch of lobster, beef, and chocolate with lawmakers, before heading to Pennsylvania Avenue for the inaugural parade. In the evening, the incoming President and First Lady, along with Vice President Michael Pence and his wife, attended three inaugural balls organized in their honor. Meanwhile, outgoing President Obama gave one final address to his fans before he and Michelle headed out to sunny Palm Springs, CA to enjoy their first day in eight years as civilians.

Born on June 14, 1946, Mr. Trump was raised in Queens, New York. He is the fourth of Frederick Christ Trump and Mary Anne Trump’s five children. After attending Fordham University for two years, Mr. Trump transferred to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Upon graduating in 1968 with a degree in economics, he worked for his father’s real-estate firm, Elizabeth Trump & Son, before taking it over in 1971. Thanks to his business savvy, the Trump Organization, as it is now called, is today a multi-billion dollar conglomerate with interests in real estate development, investing, brokerage, sales and marketing, and property management.
At 70 years of age, Mr. Trump is the oldest president sworn in for the first time and one of the richest. The billionaire is also the first American leader to have never served either in public office or as a general in the military. As a result, his decision to run for president in June 2015 was not taken seriously by most experts, especially, because he was competing with 16 other seasoned Republican candidates. However, Mr. Trump’s candor and refusal to be politically correct resonated with enough Americans to earn him the electoral votes needed to become the 45th President of the United States of America.
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- Nerdyabout 8 yearsFirst I thought trump wud be bad presdent but he is kinda good
- omichel1215about 8 yearsWhy did trump have to win our country is in jeopardy ☹️😞
- jedihulksmashabout 8 yearsAmerica's always in jeopardy. Like in WW1, Germany shot down a ship we sent to the Entente, filled with ammo and innocent lives. That's why we joined. We were in danger. Then WW2: Pearl Harbor. We joined the war because Japan attacked us. Then also the Korean War, Vietnam, Cold War, 9/11, YOU name it. America's always in trouble. Let's just celebrate the fact that America's still going.
- comedianabout 8 yearsIt is good advice to live in the moment and celebrate our many blessings, but I also think that we SHOULD be worried and prepared for our future. We should stay in a positive and determined state of mind, but still accept and recognize the reality: Trump is president. Has he shown any admirable traits or good qualifications yet? Not really. But just because he hasn't yet, does not mean that we should dismiss the possibility of a brighter future.
- POPOYabout 8 yearsI just hope he wont be a bad president
- comedianabout 8 yearsWe should all hope that.
- Nameyabout 8 yearsSlayer we all have different opinions
- Nameabout 8 yearsi personally do not like trump, but i have no say in this, i am Canadian.
- gorillagirl9000about 8 yearsThis article is wow just wow.
- Goo goo gagaabout 8 yearsI don't agree with Trump
- hipoabout 8 yearseven though I don't agree with trump for some stuff I will still respect him and I hope you guys will do the same to make the country run smooth and lets not listen to the media about rude stuff about him and his family
- comedianabout 8 yearsI agree that mocking or humiliating his family is wrong, but he has humiliated his opponents' families before, so it's not like he's this poor, helpless victim getting picked on, either. "Rude stuff about him," though? I think we should be a little more specific here. Not ALL the rude stuff is some lie just to make him look bad. Some of it is proven and factual, and doesn't even compare to the wrongs and hurt he has done to others. Please accept him, though, and hope for a brighter future for him!
- cam dablamabout 8 yearsi love trump i was at the inauguration. it was so cool
- gameslayer21about 8 yearsTRUMP TRUMP TRUMP WILL BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!
- darkninja87about 8 yearsNOOOOO HE WONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- jedihulksmashabout 8 yearsHe might. You never know. Just don't riot like all of those democrats and liberals (not trying to be offensive or anything. Just pointing out that a lot of them are rioting).
- comedianabout 8 yearsI disagree with rioting, but protesting is right, and people should know that there is a fine line between rioting and protesting or marching. I am all for stating your opinion in a calm, collected way that preserves peace and doesn't harm anyone.