Chinese Beach Lovers Avoid Harmful UV Rays With The 'Fashionable' Face-Kini

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We all have all been well educated to the fact that overexposure to the sun's harmful ultra-violet (UV) rays can lead to major health problems ranging from skin cancer to even eye damage. It is therefore no wonder that we are constantly seeking out sunscreens that promise the strongest levels of UV protection.

However, some sun seekers in China have decided to bypass all kinds of gimmicky creams with this ultra-fashionable, Face-Kini. The colorful masks that were first invented seven years ago, did not really catch on with locals until this summer when they seem to be the rage, among beach goers both young and old, at Shandong Province's East China Sea coast.

For those that would like a little more than just their face protected, there are full body masks. Of course donning these does make the sun lovers look like characters from a science fiction movie - But they really don't seem to care.

Still not convinced about this new fashionable beach gear? Here, is an added bonus - They even protect wearers from creepy crawlies and venomous jellyfish! Face-Kini's anyone?


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  • tutuover 12 years
    that looks so weird why would they seoruosly do thay
    • coolbeans52over 12 years
      OMG!! that is so ugly
      • imdabomb
        imdabombover 12 years
        thats actually not a bad idea, it could prevent people being sunburned and nobody likes being sunburned. and who cares if you look guys are thinking this mask would make be be so uncool and that you would totally lose popularity wearing this 'Facekini'. I think some people are forgetting that people don't judge you with what you look on the outside they judge you on the inside!
        • OK??????over 12 years
        • nate6
          nate6over 12 years
          Also it dosnt look to fashinoble
          • nate6
            nate6over 12 years
            I would never be able to wear these things
            • Parisover 12 years
              This idea is conveinient. Instead of using bottles and bottles of sunscreen you can just stick to a face kini!
              • safbkjsdbkjavover 12 years
                this is sooooo lame
                • ttover 12 years
                  • tebowswife
                    tebowswifeover 12 years
                    Uh, hello? US? We need an order of FACE-KINIS right now? I mean what is wrong with the world. Who needs a bikini when you can cover your face? Although bikinis are good too.... hmm tough decision. I choose both! So what if i look like a... a... no words....
                    • aquagirl
                      aquagirlover 12 years
                      im totally agree with u i mean almost everything is made in china WE NEED TO PREVENT THAT FROM HAPPENING COME ON US CAN INVENT SOMETHING COOLER THAN CHINA STUFF!!! GO USA USA USA USA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!