13-Year Old German Boy Spearheads Global Eco Campaign

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At just 13-year of age, Felix Finkbeiner is enjoying the kind of fame that most celebrities only dream of - He has a huge fan following in his home country of Germany, meets with CEO's of International companies and is even featured in advertisements with politicians and fashion models. However, the wiry, bespectacled boy does not sing, act or even play sports - He simply encourages people to plant trees.

Felix's quest to do something to heal the world began when he was just nine. While researching for a school assignment on climate change he came across Nobel Prize winner Wangari Mathai's Green Belt Movement, that amongst other things has resulted in the planting of 45 million new trees in Kenya, since it was founded in 1977.

Inspired by her courage, he came up with his mission to affect climate change - To plant a million trees. His teacher was so impressed that she asked him to present his idea to the entire school. In March 2007, two months after his first presentation, Felix planted his first tree - a crab apple sapling.

Soon other schools found out and began inquire how they could help Felix's campaign - Plant for the Planet. Encouraged by his success, Felix decided to seek out a sponsor so that he could hire a full-time employee, and found a willing one in the CEO of Toyota, Germany who gave him 40,000 Euros ($58,000). He also invited him to speak at an annual gathering of Toyota dealers, where Felix raised an additional 11,000 Euros ($15,838).

He also called a press conference when Plant for the Planet hit a milestone of 50,000 trees. Soon everyone in Germany had joined in the effort and a few months ago, about three years since that fateful school project, Felix accomplished his mission - One million new trees had established their roots in Germany.

However, he is not done yet - He now wants the entire world to join in and has a new goal to plant one billion new trees. This time he is not alone - Many high-ranking officials have joined the young environmentalist in his advertising campaign that urges people to 'Stop Talking and Start Planting'.

Would you like to do your share? Then check out his website plant for the planet and see how you can help Felix accomplish what no adult has been able to do - Plant a billion new trees on Earth!

Resources: telegraph.co.uk, www.care2.com

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  • adroit_avimimus
    adroit_avimimusabout 3 years
    This kid is amazing! We all can help our earth!
    • ncaticorn
      ncaticornalmost 4 years
      His dude is SO awesome. I hope i can do this 1 day
      • pastelea
        pasteleaabout 4 years
        I love plants and earth! Lets plant more plants....... Oh wait I live at the beach and for some people it is winter oof.🌱🌱🌱🌱
      • claire_bear7
        claire_bear7about 4 years
        You Rock Felix! We should all do our part 2 save this world!!! ;}
        • niasiarules
          niasiarulesabout 4 years
          You are so great. I hope you plant more trees on Earth Day. Maybe you can plant some in the rain forest to keep animals from goin extinct, because of deforestation. 😁🌱🌱🌱
          • Felix F.about 6 years
            Thanks guys! This is really supportive.
          • reader11556about 6 years
            im going to start doing this too.Thanks for encurageing me!
            • bookstory14
              bookstory14almost 7 years
              I am going to share this with my class and teacher-they will love it! You are awesome Felix!
              • Yeahover 9 years
                I think this is cool . Thank You Felix
                • You Go Girl over 9 years
                  Well i think that this will really help the economy. I want to know what you kids think about him ? has he really inspired you guys?