The 2010 Doodle 4 Google Challenge Is On!

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All you budding artists - Here is your chance to become famous.This year's Doodle 4 Google contest is on and anybody from grades K-12 can enter the fray and, win the honor of being on the homepage of the world's most frequented search engine!

The theme this year is - If I Could Do Anything I Would .....

To keep the competition fair, the company is judging entrants by grade categories: K-3, 4- 6, 7- 9, and 10 -12.

The competition will also be judged across states, which have been grouped into ten regions. Two winners per grade will be chosen for each State. Then, the 400 State finalists will be narrowed down to 40, with a winner picked from each grade group. Until this stage, all the winners will decided by a team of expert judges.

However, the decision of the four final winners is left to us. Google will post the 40 finalists on its website and ask people from all across the United States to vote for their favorite in each grade-level category. Out of the four national winners, one will be declared the overall winner and, be featured on the Google homepage for a full 24 hours!

Besides the honor of being on the homepage, the national winner will also receive a $15,000USD scholarship, a trip to Google's NewYork office, a new computer, a t-shirt with his/her Google doodle printed on it and best of all, a $25,000USD technology grant towards their school's computer lab. Other winners also receive some awesome prizes. To see the full list, check out

To enter, simply download a template on an 8.5" by 11" paper, sketch your doodle over the Google, color it with crayons. markers or whatever works best for you. Then, add a title and a supporting statement comprising of about 50 words to explain your theme.

Please note that the entries can only be sent through your school or homeschool teachers - And, with only six entries allowed per school, only the best will make it to the folks at Google. So get going and ask your teacher or mother (if you are homeschooled) to organize an in-house doodle competition.

But hurry, because while the entry deadline is not until March 31st, any school that submits six entries by March 10th, will be eligible to win one of eight 'technology booster' awards - which comprise of 20 netbook computers for private or public schools or 2 for homeschoolers.

To check out all the details go to: Need some tips from Google's chief doodler? - check out

Best of Luck! Be sure to let us know if you school is planning to enter!

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  • killerclown06over 7 years
    those drawings were absolutly epic!
    • diamondkid
      diamondkidabout 10 years
      Those drawings look so cool!
      • sherlockcutepup
        sherlockcutepupabout 10 years
        I'm going to make one for myself! I 's going to be about marine animals!
        • sherlockcutepup
          sherlockcutepupabout 10 years
          I entered a drawing contest and I WON! you could call that good drawing. I drew a pony!
          • bigmelo
            bigmeloabout 10 years
            Cool! I have a friend who likes to draw ponies, too. Not to brag or anything, but in third grade, I won a national art contest. I don't exactly think it was because of my art, I think it was because of the creativity behind the poster. :D I still have to give my third grade teacher a big hug because she recommended me for that contest, though. She's one of my favorites! A lot of kids I know say that I'm a 'teachers' pet', but I'm really don't mean to be. I'm just being myself! :)
            • nikukyu
              nikukyuabout 10 years
              I love drawing animals, especially cats and horses. I doodle in class, but what I most prefer are...crayons! My dad is really good at crayon art, and he was recruited for a famous art school for his drawings! He taught me how to mix unrealistic colors and to just express how I feel! Ps bigmelo I think a lot of kids think I'm the teachers pet in school because I raise my hand a lot in class. But I think that I'm anything but, which is weird...
              • crystalmori
                crystalmoriabout 10 years
                Crayon art is cool. I prefer colored pencils, personally. I like it because you can make them pointy or wide, so there's more opportunity for detail, but I've seen crayon drawings that just make my eyes pop out. And I think "Wow, that's amazing! But I could probably never do that." I just don't really feel like I have to patience to work with crayons to that extent. I might try it sometime....
                • bigmelo
                  bigmeloabout 10 years
                  I get that feeling, too! By the way, my dad is really good at sculpting dinosaurs & dragons...I aim to be better in sculpting - I'm not that good at it. :)
                  • crystalmori
                    crystalmoriabout 10 years
                    Personally, I've always thought pottery was cool. It's the next thing we're going to study in art class after the backdrops for the play are finished. I'm really looking forward to it!
                • crystalmori
                  crystalmoriabout 10 years
                  I can totally relate. People don't call me a teacher's pet, but I'm pretty sure that's what they think. Hey, it's not my fault that I'm one of the only ones who gets along with our science teacher XD. The other kids complain because a) he doesn't let them mess around or bring food (which you shouldn't do in the science lab, anyway. Better safe than sorry!) b) His teaching methods are more like a college professor's than a high school teacher. But what's wrong with that? It really isn't so much to ask of us to learn that way. Of course, maybe it's just easier on me because my teacher last year taught us how to take good notes, and that anything the teacher writes on the board, you should copy down. But still, it doesn't seem so hard.
                  • bigmelo
                    bigmeloabout 10 years
                    Cool! My science teacher, who just also happens to be my English Language Arts teacher, is really great. She has a great sense of humor, & likes to make up jokes. It's interesting, because not only are my classmates & I allowed to eat food, but we also get to use our phones in class!
                    • nikukyu
                      nikukyuabout 10 years
                      Awwww lucky! I have yet to discover my favorite teacher...
              • nikukyu
                nikukyuabout 10 years
                This is awesome I LOOOOVE DRAWING!
                • bigmelo
                  bigmeloabout 10 years
                  Me too! I don't know about you, but people say I'm the next da Vinci. I don't think that's really true, though. I like to draw realistically. By this, I mean situations that occur in the normal world. I also think that drawing whatever pops up in your mind is a great way to learn, because using that method, I went from drawing people with 'sausage bodies' to people that I knew! Hey guys, what do you like to draw?
                  • crystalmori
                    crystalmoriabout 10 years
                    I entered a contest recently, but I didn't even place. As for what I like to draw? Trees and flowers and butterflies, mostly. And anime, of course. I really like realism, too, and, well, I can draw anything pretty well if I have a reference and take my time.
                    • bigmelo
                      bigmeloabout 10 years
                      Aw, that's too bad. I agree - taking your time & putting your heart into a drawing will really make it stand out more than your other ones. It goes for anything: the more you put in, the more you get out. :)
                    • crystalmori
                      crystalmoriabout 10 years
                      But, I kind of prefer anime these days.
                • sherlockcutepup
                  sherlockcutepupabout 10 years
                  I can draw my little pony.
                  • peacheslarue
                    peacheslarueabout 10 years
                    I can draw my little pony
                    • bigmelo
                      bigmeloabout 10 years
                      Me, too! When I was younger, I loved to watch episodes of MLP on the Hub Channel. I love the personality of Rainbow Dash - she's just like me!
                  • peacheslarue
                    peacheslarueover 10 years
                    Wow thats good
                    • capriabout 13 years
                      they shore are good arent they.
                    • katieabout 13 years
                      hope every one gets in
                      • katieabout 13 years
                        i love google
                        • Britney Trinhalmost 14 years
                          Im doing it this year if this was my wish come true id be faiting by now <3