Golden Retriever Lives Up To Her Name!

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Dogs have always been called 'man's best friend'. However, 11-year old Austin Forman's dog Angel, is not only his best friend, but also, his 'Guardian Angel' - one that just saved his life!

The incident occurred at around 5.30 pm on Saturday, January 5th, when Austin was collecting firewood in his backyard in Boston Bar, British Columbia. While Angel, his 18-month Golden Retriever always came with him, she usually wandered off on her own and had to be called, when it was time to go back to the house.

However on Saturday, she would not leave Austin's side, which was a little odd. Austin thought Angel was just feeling a little close to him - That was until the cougar attacked!

Obviously the amazing dog had sensed the danger and had not wanted to leave her owner!

Throwing all caution to the wind, Angel attacked the cougar, leaving Austin free to run and tell his mother about the incident. While Angel continued to bravely fight off the wild animal, which by now, had his claws into her neck, Austin's mother quickly called the police, who happened to be close by.

Arriving immediately, the police officer shot the wild cat, which by now had his claws clenched on Angel's face.

With his heart pounding, Austin's cousin lifted the dead animal from under the cougar and saw Angel lying on the ground, her neck covered in blood.

For a moment, Austin thought he had been too late - then suddenly, Angel took a deep breath and got up!

It turned out that though she had suffered some deep cuts, they were completely treatable!.

To show his gratitude to his 'Guardian Angel', Austin brought her a giant steak as soon as she came home from the hospital - a well deserved treat for the brave and loyal dog!,,

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  • omg23716
    omg23716almost 5 years
    Sad like it you thought this was sad
    • canine
      caninealmost 5 years
      this is reality, the wild animals are getting more and more brave around used to be that they ran away from us, now they follow us and attack us like we are just another rabbit
      • wolf_blood
        wolf_bloodover 4 years
        Oof but he's right and wild animal was crossing by like it was nothing like ???.😕
        • bangarangwolf
          bangarangwolfalmost 5 years
          Or maybe they're getting revenge on us because of all those times we've killed or abused them
          • wolfy9
            wolfy9almost 5 years
            Sometimes they attack is no always
          • jellybean14
            jellybean14almost 5 years
            This story is so sad!! I'm glad the dog is ok though...
            • jellybean14
              jellybean14almost 5 years
              wow this has a lot of comments
              • lpscollie01
                lpscollie01almost 5 years
                This was really scary at the beginning, but all I wanna know is the dog and boy are safe..... lol..... Please follow me and I'll try to follow you back!
                • sophie16
                  sophie16almost 5 years
                  Wow!!! 😲
                  • teen_girl
                    teen_girlalmost 5 years
                    so sweet I love that dog!!!
                  • thenapdragon
                    thenapdragonalmost 5 years
                    dogo news with dogos in the news
                    • tinydancer1122
                      tinydancer1122almost 5 years
                      Bravo! Inspirational guardian angel!
                      • kkover 5 years
                        sorry dogo your brave

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