Ancient Human-Like Footprints Discovered In Kenya

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British Geologist Matthew Kennet and his colleagues struck gold earlier this month, when they found a found a series of footprints that date back over 1.5 million years - and guess what? Those early humans walked just like we do!

These oldest human-like prints are etched into sedimentary rock near the town of Ileret in Northern Kenya , and include two trails of two prints each and one smaller print that researchers believe may have those of a child. Judging from the size, scientists estimate that the adults were about 5ft 9inches tall, similar to the average human height today. Several four-legged animal prints were also discovered in the area, which scientists believe was a watering hole.

The footprints believed to be those of the early Hominid Homo Ergaster or Homo Erectus, are one of the most important recent discoveries made about the evolution of the modern human.

A laser scan revealed that these early humans who had feet similar to us, walked just like we do today - shifting the weight from the ball of the foot, to the heel and finally to the big toe. The find helps confirm the theory that humans started to run upright and hunt about 2 million years ago.

The oldest footprints ever to be found date back even further - about 3.75 million years. However, these were believed to have been of more ape-like creatures as evidenced by the shallower arc of their feet and more ape-like divergent toe.Scientists believe that the modern human species - the Homo Sapiens evolved only 200,000 years ago.

Pretty amazing that footprints will last this long and tell you so much about our past - Isn't it?


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  • pizzabroalmost 7 years
    I wonder how big was the footprint
    • Kwel aidalmost 7 years
      I wish we could find da wae
      • Kool antabout 7 years
        wish we could catch bidfoot
        • Kool antabout 7 years
          wow thats veri cool
          • CooKidalmost 10 years
            • cat1231
              cat1231almost 10 years
              I wanna be a monkey again
              • nikukyu
                nikukyuabout 10 years
                What if OUR foot prints would last a million years! That would be so cool! Hahahaha
                • ceecee3
                  ceecee3over 10 years
                  EVOLUTION OF HUMANS!!!!!!!!!! We used to be monkeys =^P
                  • ghostover 10 years
                    so awsome
                    • jeremiahover 10 years
                      that is awesome