Star Wars Fans - 'Use The Force'

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Even if you are not a Star Wars fan, at some point we have all wished we could Use The Force - that is, make something happen by merely thinking it.

You wish will soon be granted - that is if you buy these toys from Uncle Milton's or Mattel

Uncle Milton's Force Trainer is equipped with a head trainer that uses brainwaves to move a ping-pong ball sitting in a 10-inch tall clear plastic tower.

The Force Trainer is based on a technology that has been used by heart specialists for many years. A wireless headset reads the brain's activity - which, if completely focused on moving the ball, will activate a training remote situated at the base of the toy. This, in turn, creates a flow of air, that helps the ball rise within the tower.

As the player concentrates on the ball, appropriate music and video clips emanate from the Force Trainer, helping him/her focus.

Mind Flex by Mattel

Mattel's Mind Flex works similarly, using brain-wave activity to move a ball through a tabletop obstacle course (pictured above). Both toys are expected to hit toy stores this fall and cost between $90 - $100USD. Time to start saving those allowances!

Source: USAtoday, Techcrunch

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  • Kalmost 7 years
    It’s leike ten years after right now and I don see it anywhere
    • Talindaalmost 7 years
      Ever since I was little I loved Star Wars my favorite characters are Rey and Princess Leia
      • Galindoalmost 7 years
        Every since I was little STAR WARS was my favorite thing to watch. I love REY and PRIN
        • Jaydon about 7 years
          • vajyxagufytyvo
            vajyxagufytyvoabout 7 years
            I am the #1 star wars fan !
            • Bobabout 7 years
              Star Wars is the best☑️☑️
              • matthewabout 7 years
                I looooove star wars!
                • matthewabout 7 years
                  It is the best!!!! #Kyloreniscool!
                  • matthewabout 7 years
                    I looooooove star wars, tooooo!
                    • Star wars over 7 years