Merry Christmas! - Now let's fight!

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While most people, sit back and relax after a big Christmas meal, residents of Peru like to work it off with a friendly fist fight. The traditional festival known as Takanakuy or 'fighter' starts with dancing and a religious procession.

After that instead of exchanging gifts, people exchange fist fights. These bare-knuckled, free kicking fights are supervised by local government officials and are meant to allow participants to let our all their pent (built) up anger in a safe environment. The best part is, there is no age or gender limitation - Kids, men and women of all ages can join in the fun.

So if Santa forgot to bring you that unique toy on your list, go ahead - take a flight to Peru and go at it!

Have fun watching the video of this quirky and fun festival!

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  • coolalmost 6 years
    i like it
    • loonytoons
      loonytoonsabout 6 years
      • Coolabout 6 years
        Sounds fun
        • ALIEN!!!!about 6 years
          AND!!! My great great great great grandfather is from Peru, i met him only once when I was just born... i was born, then i saw him, then he died....
        • ALIEN!!!!about 6 years
          OUCH!!! Why would they want to fight? That' so uncalled for!
          • hargle barfabout 6 years
            my mom is from Peru
            • ouch that hurtover 6 years
              that would hurt to fight
              • slytherinfan
                slytherinfanover 6 years
                Yellow belts are the first belt
                • slytherinfan
                  slytherinfanover 6 years
                  My parents are from Peru.....
                  • mastervenessa
                    mastervenessaalmost 7 years
                    Imagine doing this! It would be good if you knew who you were fighting not random strangers!!! :) LOL